April 13 is the day when 20 years ago passed away Yury Gorfinkel.
If even after so many years someone is remembered with gratitude by thousands of people that mean he lived a meaningful life.
RITM Europe s.r.o. now has its brand new website http://ritm-europe.eu/.
RitmScenar Deutchland now has its brand new website http://ritm-scenar.de.
The incident took place on the flight from Moscow to Amsterdam. One of the passengers suddenly felt ill when the aircraft already gained height. One of the witnesses told us that flight attendants tried to help a young man, but were unable to do so. The passenger had all signs of the state of shock – the pulse and blood pressure were hardly determined.
Dear Friends!
We are happy to wish happy Holidays to the big international SCENAR family!
Am 29. Juni präsentierte Dr. Carlos Udina nach mehrjähriger Forschung über die Anwendung der SCENAR-Therapiemethode seine Doktorarbeit "Auswirkungen der neuroadaptiven Regulationstherapie auf die zentrale Sensibilisierung".
Die Präsentation fand in der Abteilung für Physiotherapie, Arbeitsmedizin, Rehabilitation und Physikalische Medizin der Universität Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid statt.
3EC International a.s. Die benannte Stelle hat das Zertifizierungsaudit bei RITM OKB ZAO abgeschlossen. Das Zertifikat Nr. 2017-MDD / QS-014 wurde ausgestellt. Das umfassende Audit hat die Konformität unserer Produkte mit der europäischen Richtlinie für Medizinprodukte bestätigt.
The presentations made by the representatives of RITM OKB ZAO have aroused an interest of the attendees of the International SCENAR Conference in Australia. The results of a number of scientific researches conducted by our specialists during several years were presented.
Das Equine SCENAR-Team (http://equinescenar.com.au/) war vom 4.-12. Februar auf einer Handels-Website beim Landmark Classic Campdraft & Sale in Tamworth.
The International SCENAR Conference 2017 updates.
We are happy to announce that it is less than 1 month left till the Conference!
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RitmScenar Deutschland
Scenar = Original statt Plagiat Hauptvertreter «Ritm OKB ZAO»
Address: Mannheimer Strasse 46, 04209 Leipzig
Tel;0341/22373792, Fax: 0341/ 26438225; E-mail: amaar@gmx.de
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