The incident took place on the flight from Moscow to Amsterdam. One of the passengers suddenly felt ill when the aircraft already gained height. One of the witnesses told us that flight attendants tried to help a young man, but were unable to do so. The passenger had all signs of the state of shock – the pulse and blood pressure were hardly determined.
Fortunately, the head physician of SCENAR Center Moscow was also flying on the same plane. She turned on her SCENAR device and immediately started the emergency procedures. After a few seconds, the man showed the response reaction to SCENAR treatment – he opened his eyes but was not able to see. His reactions were still slow. He answered the questions shortly and quietly and kept complaining of dizziness and sickness.
The treatment procedure took about an hour. At first the arterial blood pressure increased to 67/30, at the end of the procedure it was 127/72. The coordination was fully restored; the skin color and well-being were turned back to normal.
When the aircraft landed, the passenger was taken care of by paramedics. The captain and crew of the KLM airliner thanked Irina and gave her the present from Royal Dutch Airlines. Passengers who became witnesses of this episode asked to tell more about the device that saves lives in emergency situations.
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